Facility Automation

How To Run A Self-Storage Business: 5 Strategies To Drive Unit Rentals

July 17, 2024
3 minutes

Running a self-storage business involves more than just providing a space for people to store their belongings. Operators need to adopt innovative strategies to attract and retain tenants, ultimately driving unit rentals. This article is the central piece in a series that explores five key strategies to help you succeed in the self-storage industry. For your convenience, here are links to the supporting articles:

When it comes to driving unit rentals, there are several strategies, across a broad range of channels, for operators to explore. While some of these strategies may require in-depth or specialist knowledge to harness their potential, others are far easier to explore. Establishing local partnerships for cross-promotion is an example of a strategy that all facility operators can pursue without technical marketing know-how.

Let’s run through all five strategies at a high level. You can pick and choose from these based on where your team has the greatest competitive edge in terms of expertise and ability to implement the strategies.

5 Ways To Drive Unit Rentals For Your Storage Facility

Strategy 1 - Abandon Cart Emails To Recover Revenue

Potential tenants often start the rental process online but fail to complete their reservation. Abandon cart emails are a powerful tool to recover this lost revenue. Sending timely reminders to prospective renters, who have left the reservation process unfinished, can nudge them back to your site to complete their booking. Effective abandon cart emails include clear calls-to-action, compelling incentives, and easy links to return to the reservation page.

In our article, How Self-Storage Operators Use Abandon Cart Emails To Recover Revenue, we discuss how to craft effective emails, the optimal timing for sending them, and how platforms like swivl can automate and enhance this process.

Strategy 2 - Targeted Ads For Increased Reach

Targeted advertising allows self-storage operators to reach specific demographics that are more likely to need storage services. Utilizing data on tenant behavior and preferences, you can create highly targeted ad campaigns that are shown to the right people at the right time. This approach not only increases the efficiency of your marketing budget but also drives more qualified leads to your business.

Our article, How Self-Storage Operators Use Targeted Ads For Increased Reach, provides insights into setting up targeted ad campaigns, choosing the right platforms, and measuring their effectiveness.

Strategy 3 - Social Media To Build Brand Awareness

Social media is a vital platform for building brand awareness and engaging with your community. By regularly posting relevant content, interacting with followers, and running promotions, self-storage operators can create a strong online presence that attracts new tenants. Social media also offers opportunities for customer service and feedback, helping you to improve your services and build loyalty.

In How Self-Storage Operators Use Social Media To Build Brand Awareness, we explore best practices for social media marketing, including content creation, platform selection, and engagement strategies. Recommended tools like Hoot-suite or Buffer can assist in scheduling posts, analyzing performance, and managing interactions to ensure a consistent and effective social media presence.

Strategy 4 - Local Partnerships For Cross-Promotion

Forming partnerships with local businesses can open up new channels for tenant acquisition. When collaborating with real estate agents, moving companies, and home improvement stores, self-storage operators can cross-promote services and reach tenants who are likely to need storage solutions. These partnerships can also enhance your community presence and credibility.

Our article, How Self-Storage Operators Use Local Partnerships For Cross-Promotion, details how to identify potential partners, create mutually beneficial agreements, and leverage platforms like a CRM to manage and track these relationships.

Strategy 5 - Chatbots To Accelerate Sales

Chatbots are becoming an essential tool for self-storage operators looking to enhance customer service and drive sales. These AI-powered assistants can handle inquiries, make reservations, and provide information 24/7, ensuring that potential tenants receive immediate assistance. By streamlining interactions and reducing response times, chatbots can significantly improve the tenant experience and increase conversion rates.

In How Self-Storage Operators Use Chatbots To Accelerate Sales, we discuss the benefits of chatbots, how to implement them, and how swivl's chatbot solutions can optimize tenant interactions and boost sales.

Final Thoughts

When operators implement these five strategies - abandon cart emails, targeted ads, social media marketing, local partnerships, and chatbots - they can drive unit rentals and achieve sustained business growth. Each strategy offers unique advantages and, when combined, they create a comprehensive approach to attracting and retaining tenants.

For a deeper dive into each strategy, be sure to read the individual articles in this series. Taking advantage of these modern techniques will help you stay competitive in the evolving self-storage industry, ensuring your business thrives in the long term.

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